Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Avoiding the trap...

      And what prey tell is this devious trap you speak of? I hear you ask (yep still getting the voices within the space betwixt my ears). Tis actually a trap many folk have fallen into and it is truly quite a dark side of writing, especially on social media where being 'liked' can become an addiction to the thumbs up. 

     I have only scribed two posts here upon these hallowed pages since the 'great snap' and already I find myself checking for comments, counting page views and looking at how I can encourage people to follow this blog. This is a dangerous road to travel down as it may lead the many feelings that may affect one's mental health. Feelings of worthlessness, not being accepted within society, self doubt etc. and these feelings can build up and affect a person in so many negative ways that may allow the Black dog once more creep into your head and drag you back to the abyss. 

     I am fortunate that I have recognised my 'symptoms'  before I awoke the Bitch Noir, for many do not. I find that writing is a way to relax my mind and bring some order and peace to it, and to lose this by becoming paranoid about the popularity of this blog would be a sad day for me. After all, in the grand scheme of things what does it matter that people may not like my written words, after all I upset enough folk in the 'real world' with my spoken words! Of course it pleases me when people respond favourable to my scribing (in a lovely warm fuzzy internal sort of way), but it should not affect my life or mindset if they do not. And why should I try to change my writing to encourage greater readership and hence a feeling of more acceptance? I think that it far better to have a much smaller appeal writing honestly and by being true to myself than to write a lie, don't you? 

     In the dim and distant path I wrote a blog called 'Musings of Murpyfish' and it was indeed rather successful, but not because I wrote with grand aplomb nor because I chased the 'follower'. No, it was successful because I just wrote about my life, thoughts and dreams, nothing more. Would I like to be a successful blogger once again? hell yes, I love that fuzzy internal glow of acceptance. Would it be the end of the world if I still only had two followers (one of them is G. bless her) in twelve months time? no, it would not because why would I chase a written relationship with people who do not like what I enjoy writing about?

     So take some writing advice from this old fart:- if people do not like what you write about it truly does not matter, honestly there will be some idiots out there who will, it just takes time for them to find your words. Do not change your writing to be popular, you are just being false to yourself and will attract only false readers. Write about what you enjoy writing about, whether it be a hobby, food, wildlife, walking, nuclear physics, car parks of the United Kingdom, how to train your snail or anything else that you are passionate about, I promise you that there will be somebody out there who will love your words. Remember, writing is most definitely not a way to get rich for the vast majority of us, not with money at least but it can be a great way of getting thoughts out into the ether and help clear troubled minds and that's why I write (I just have to remind myself of this from time to time). I hope these scant words help you avoid the trap of chasing popularity, it really does not matter as long as you are happy and true to yourself...trust me for I am a writer.

Footnote....if you like my writing please follow, comment, send me warm fuzzy feelings and tell your friends, oh and a huge bundle of cash...just saying ;-)



  1. Well hello! Welcome back. You are so right in all the above. Just 3 family members read my writing and a few lovely followers comment. I do slightly adjust what I want to say but my thoughts and life are changing, as yet, can’t bring myself to make the final adjustment but it’s coming.

    1. Hello Dc, nice be back m'dear. Thank you for comment, I think our scribing's change along with our age and life experience's.

  2. Hello, you live some miles from me but if you were nearer I'd be happy for you to give me advice and do some gardening for me. I don't "follow" blogs but if I did I'd follow yours!

    1. Hello Anon, thank you for the kind words tis kind of you. Gardening advice always available as distance not an issue with the written word.

  3. Wise words, indeed. It's good to see you back. X

    1. Why thank you Jules, tis indeed good to be back.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Rajani, your blog is nicely written and thought provoking. I look forward to reading more of your thoughts

  5. I took a very long vacation away from Blogland. I felt I didn't have a lot to say on my blog, and didn't like reading the ones I did while adding nothing to my own. Then I returned to find some have also left the blogosphere, perhaps permanently, some have moved such as yourself, and some might still be out there, but I didn't follow them and can't seem to remember the names so can't find them when I search.

    I followed a few blogs and then blogger messed up my profile a few times so i couldn't follow anyone, although I visited different ones. One of the messes made it so I could not post to my own blog. It came at a busy time, so I let it sit for a bit. I eventually returned.

    My screen time is sporadic these days, which doesn't make for being a good follower, although it makes more time for real life and hands-on moments.

    1. Hi Megan,
      I know well the feeling but for me time away from blogging has allowed me to focus upon other parts of my life. I guess that the mindset and the time have to be right. I'm really pleased that you have made the time to comment here m'dear and when the time is right for you hopefully you'll return to blogging.

  6. Great blog. More spaniel pictures please ;)

    1. That would a comment from Rosie then, Spaniels kind of a give away m'dear ;-)

  7. You know I've been following you since forever. Had you not mentioned followers, I probably wouldn't have noticed that I didn't hit the follower button so there you go, another one. Sometimes change is good. I changed Northern California Trout to The Wandering Gimp. Can't fish so much anymore so I just stick my opinions out there. Unfortunately 2 followers decided they didn't agree with my opinions and bailed. So stick with it and maybe there are some that follow and just forget to tap the follower button like this old guy in California. Cheers.

  8. Hi Mark,
    Yes it does seem that we have been in touch forever does it not. I actually prefer your blog title to the old one, kind of fits with my mental picture of you. Stay in touch Mr. Gimp and many thanks for the follow..

  9. Hi John, I came by to return the blog visit and thank you for taking the time to comment on mine. And I discover a very insightful blog post. I can absolutely relate to what you're saying on so many levels.

    "I just wrote about my life, thoughts and dreams, nothing more." I think this is exactly the kind of blog I enjoy reading most. I confess to being a collector of information, but the writing that touches my soul is the honest stuff that comes from somebody else's heart. It makes the world seem a more real place.

    1. Hi Leigh,
      Thank you for taking the time to visit and comment m'dear. Like yourself I honest writing and I endeavour to follow this ethic.
