Tuesday, 7 January 2025

It is bloody cold...

     Well that is just bloody typical is it not?, I spend months, nay years moaning to clients, neighbors, Bramble in fact to anyone is foolish enough to get within hearing range of my perpetual whining, about how we are losing our seasons and that the effects upon gardening and indeed upon nature are becoming more and more serious. Then we get bloody snow....in Winter for Odin's sake! Not only do we have that one type of weather that really does stop my gardening business in its tracks, tonight's forecast is for minus (yes bloody minus) seven degrees Celsius, with more of the same until at least the weekend. Hellfire its just not bloody well right, not right at all. To tell truth I do welcome this cold snap and the return of a season to something like it should be, but there is the timing of it….just after Yule, when my finances resemble those of a church mouse that has just been robbed of all his cheese by a scrawny band of weasels and now has the curds and whey tax collector banging at his little arched doorway demanding his due! I know that the Northern gods are a cruel bunch of buggers at the best of times with little care for rotund gardeners, but it would have been nice to have a least a month of earning before they decided to bring back Winter, makes you wonder if the sods care at all.

    Faced with another day of trying to avoid working in my bitterly cold, un-heated, un-insulated and very drafty workshop, I despaired at my ill fortune. Another problem this brings is that I am trying to eat differently and also increase my physical activity in order to shed the odd pound (re stone) or two, and moping in the house does not aid either. So, rather grudgingly I trudged up the path to my workshop's entrance (my grand estate, ahem, lies betwixt two roads, with the driveway opening onto the smaller, never to be cleared by the council one) to observe that once again community spirit within the village has albeit died a grim death. The  majority of the residents along this road have managed to use just enough salt from the council’s “do it your bloody self” provided yellow receptacles to enable the release of just their own vehicle from the snows icy grip. Those who are not physically able to clear their own drives and the road adjacent are left to fend for themselves. With a shrug of my shoulders I pulled my wheelbarrow and shovel from the van and began my "every time it bloody snows routine" of  clearing and salting the areas along to road that have been left to the gods (have I mentioned about the Northern gods lack of care lately?) to hopefully make access easier for all. To be honest my next-door neighbor 'Baldey Man' is usually beside me at these times but he has only gone and damaged his back, there will be no sympathy from me I can tell you. Another neighbour , whom I hold in quiet disdain (long ish story) did actually come out after a while and offer to help but to be honest he was about as effective as a pair of breasts upon a mackerel. But all was not lost as at least I got a physical workout (very physical) and it kept me from snacking upon all that tastes soooo good, but then conspires to fatten me up ready to be a pagan sacrifice.

    After this I dragged myself back to the house for a protein biased meal (that does seem to fill me and lasts longer before my belly begins its hungry lies) and the obligatory cup of tea. Feeling sated I returned to the workshop and braved a couple of bitterly cold hours before having to pick up G from work. G is from that foreign land down south, Londinium I believe the soothsayers call it, and in her years of driving has not really encountered the white stuff and lacks a little confidence when it drops. Therefore tis my duty, nay honor to ferry her back and forth to work at these times (do not get me started on t'other drivers at this point). I did not achieve a great deal in this time, just more tiding, finding the majority of missing mower parts and I have stripped down the rear roller of said mower to try and find a reason for a drive bracket failing (the original reason that it turned up in the Orc's Workshop nay on two years ago).

    Unfortunately no fault with the internals of the roller could I discern, but at least it will be cleaned, degreased and put back together on my next venture into the freezer. And that is about it for this ramble, tis time to make myself a hot toddy for my sore throat (honestly?) and then head to the land of nod, I wonder if I shall dream tonight, probably of frostbite if I do. 

    'till the next time take care and be kind folk,



  1. Your post reminds me of this quote: "I'm amazed by people who lose weight with exercise. When I exercise, nothing happens because my DNA still thinks I'm a European peasant, so it's like: 'Are we running from the English again, lass? Dinnae ye worry. We'll keep you plump as a partridge to outlast the murderous b******ds!' "

    1. The quote brings a wry smile, thank you

  2. You did make me LOL with your "as effective as two breasts on a mackerel"! Never heard that before! Well, at least you did your neighbourly duty, whether it be appreciated or not. Plus Snow Chauffeur too. January has always been a poor month for me. I can remember when I was working, it always seemed to be 5 weeks to payday . . . even the week before. Ah well, I shall just have to eat my way through the freezer, having finally come to the end of the Christmas goodies no-one ate . . .

    1. Glad to hear that i brought a smile to you lass.
      Same here with regards finishing off what's in the meagre food stock we have left, m'thinks I should become more squirrel like in the future and bury me nuts for some winter fare

  3. I can hear a pagan god chuckling at the thought of your shufting the neighbourhood snow - we were having to do the same first thing this morning (having forgotten/ignored the fact I needed to dig my car out of the garage to be able to get to work) hey ho!

    1. No point in me trying to shift my van yet, all my gardens unworkable at the moment. I do hope the pagan gods are amused by my antics, perhaps they will treat me well this season

  4. Neighbourly duty never goes out of style John, and good deeds are always rewarded in so fashion.

    That said, the Northern Gods always struck me as a fairly unsympathetic lot.

    We have been spared the monstrous cold of the US East Coast and MidWest. I must be adjusting to life here in New Home 2.0, as anytime it is over 40 F my first response is "well, that is not too bad".

    1. Tis not the cold that bothers me TB, just the inability to get on the earth that is the bugger

  5. No more snow here for us, but it's bloody cold!

  6. Greetings! Just having a wander round blogland from Hawthorn's blog

    1. Greetings gz, I hope you liked your visit here m'dear. I have returned the visit to your own scribing's and enjoy them very much

  7. No snow here, just lots of frost. Mind you, hopefully that might kill some bugs in the garden for a change!

    1. Well at least it feels like a proper Winter Dc, and yes the low temps are great for killing bugs m'thinks
