Monday, 20 January 2025

Staff relations….

     Introducing my rodential travelling companion, Claude Van Mouse….

    Now he may be a tad upon the small side and able to travel in the cup holder of my carriage d’ work (that will be my van then), but he is a cute little sod and is company whilst I travel from job to job. He has been complaining though about the cold of late stating in his own high pitched voice that “it has been cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey and it is high time that I had more consideration for his working conditions!”. I am use to his whinging but I did not realise that he was so nautical in his choice of words. I reminded him that he is just a stuffed mouse after all and that the cold has no effect upon him whatsoever. His response was a quite appalling dialogue that would make a navvy blush with the only repeatable word being, and I quote “bollox”. After this I decided to make amends for my lack of employee care and have provided him with appropriate PPE….

    He is still not happy though complaining that “he cannot see a bloody thing”, there is just no pleasing such peasants is there…



  1. Love him! Sounds like he keeps you on your toes!!

  2. LOL. Next thing you know, he'll be lobbying for more wages and less working hours. You could always tell him to get stuffed...
