Wednesday, 19 March 2025


     There is an old saying that goes something like “you can chose your friends, but you cannot chose your family”. Over the last couple of weeks I have truly become to fully understand the meaning of these few words and at this point in time I am filled with an inward rage that threatens to burst out of me and harm everything that has become good within my life. I shall share no details at the moment, perhaps never, but tis sufficient to say that I am not in a particular good place at the moment.


  1. John, if it is at all helpful, we can indeed choose our friends but we cannot choose our family - at least at the start. But just because they are family does not mean that one has to endure bad relationships. You as an adult have the right to regulate your relationships - all of them - for your mental health.

  2. It is difficult. I am sorry I don't have words that might help, so I shall send a hug over the tinter and hope that your friends help you rise above the family issue.

  3. I know that situation, but good friends are a blessing. Hope everything sorts itself out. Xx

  4. I've been estranged from my siblings for many years ( over 30) and don't miss them at all. I didn't believe I had to put up with crap behaviour just because they were ' family' , so I removed them from my life and have been happier tor it. I hope your situation is resolved, soon. Thinking of you Xx

  5. Well, that’s pants lovely friend.

  6. Rachel - that’s pants lovely friend.
