Tuesday, 31 December 2024

End of year….

    Well that's just about the end of another year and I cannot say that I am sorry to see the backside of it. It just seems to have been one of those periods of time when if it can go wrong it bloody well will do so (as have the years before it), whole heartedly arse and good riddance to it is what I say. Because I have only recently started to scribe once more on these hallowed pages the events of the last few years are not 'out there' and I don't think that I shall be trawling them up from the depths of time to recount them with you for the past is now done, the future lies ahead and the now is the important part m'thinks. If I do manage to continue scribing here I may well recount to you some of the events of the past for context to some of my tales, but we shall see.

    Tis a funny time of year this be, I am always very low at Christmas yet the few days betwixt Yule and the waxing of the New Year fill me with some hope that life will become easier but at the same time I still hear the Black Dog just whispering in my minds ear that it will never be plain sailing. Within these in-between days I have managed a couple of days of work, much to the protests of my back and knees and I am thinking that there is going to be plenty more of the same with the forecast of more stormy weather coming our way. Perhaps the northern gods have sent the storms as a reward for me not giving up as yet, or perhaps it is just global warming? Whichever it is I am grateful for the chance to earn some coppers for my purse, and I am thinking that Odin is perhaps keeping an eye out for me (well he is not likely to keep two out is he!)

    But there is indeed a decided difference to my mindset as I look to the coming year that is hard for me to put into words. But perhaps it is suffice to say that I feel within my not so youthful body, a yearning to make it better, happier and more piratey, gar. After all the Northern gods do not look fondly upon those who just lie down on life's road without a bloody good fight do they. 

    Oh and just a quick update on the Orc's Workshop, as well as some more tidying in the between days I have repaired and sold this heavy duty strimmer...

    And already have my next project on the bench, although this one is no quick fix as a total refurbishment and rebuilt is required and coupled with the fact that it was stripped to its present state at least two years ago so finding the parts and fitting them back into the puzzle should be fun, not....

    So finally it is just left for me to wish you all a New Year that smiles upon you and yours and grants you peace, health, happiness and the chance for a little piracy.

    Hopefully I will see you in the year ahead for more tall tales and unwarranted ramblings..




  1. Happy New Year to you - and good luck with that mower - hope you find the bits somewhere

    1. the same to you Sue - I think more than luck will be required with the mower!

  2. Happy New Year, John! I'm so pleased to see you're posting again. You've been missed. X

    1. Thank you Jules, kind words indeed. A very happy New year to you and yours m'dear

  3. Happy New Year, John! May it be a better year for us all.

    1. And to you lass, I have a feeling that this year will be a very good one

  4. Happy New Year John! Glad you are writing again!

    I will await with bated breath to see if you can find the parts after two years of disassembly...

    1. The best of New year wishes TB, yes the mower restoration may well prove problematic m'thinks

  5. I firmly believe in looking forward and not backward and some stories never need to see the light of day unless you feel that you are ready to share. Here is to a kinder and more gentle 2025 x

    1. Thank you m'dear, I hope that the New year will be kind and wonderful for you
