Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Knackered be I ….

     I have been trying to post and reply to comments upon my previous post for a couple of days now but to no avail. Truth be told that the thawed white shite, er snow now means that I am now bloody knackered playing catch up with folks gardens, and by the time I’ve showered and eaten I am buggered if I can put my one typing finger to use! 

    So just to let you know good folk that all is well (apart from the knackered bit that is) I’m scribing these few lines and also have replied to said comments before I head up the wooden hills to bed shire. Speaking of comments, I also deleted my first spam comment, must be getting popular or something. Oh and quickly, I took delivery of my first lawnmower to be repaired in t’ workshop so things are slowly moving in that area.

   Right two percentage of power left on me iPad (much prefer me pc to be honest which is strange because I am not a very pc nor certainly not a woke type at all) one percent, bugger. Take care and I shall endeavour to provide a decent read over the next day two…or three..



  1. John - That is a great meme.

    Rest up and remember to be kind with yourself.

  2. I always find things difficult at this time of year. The days are still so short, and it feels like all I do is eat, sleep, work, repeat.
    Spring is on the way. X

  3. Keith would have agreed with that meme! Sorry you are so shattered but at least you have had plenty of work. Beware the 25th when it's meant to snow like you-now-what again. Just for a day and then storms and torrential rain. Oh what joy!
